Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Week Down

First of all, I need to say happy birthday to my dad. And, while I'm at, also to my Uncle Kurt & Cousin Kurt.

I’ve been in Peru for an entire week now, but it still feels a bit surreal. I’m going to be here for about 45 more weeks, so I’m sure it will sink in sooner or later. It’s sort of hard to believe in here, a bjillion miles (give or take) from home.
Things are pretty different here. Everything is in Spanish, obviously. But there are a fair amount of words in English also. There are some words that are the same, like "Laptop," but even that they say differently (Like “La-Toe,” it took me a while to figure that one out).
So far, I’ve mostly just been taking things easy and getting used to the biggest differences in culture. I’ve meet both sides of my host family’s family and some of my host sisters’ friends. I’ve watched a lot of movies in Spanish with my youngest host sister.
I start school on the 10th of August. I was supposed to start yesterday on the 3rd, but the schools are currently closed because of the H1N1 flu. Apparently, it’s pretty bad in some areas down here, but of course all the students are pretty happy because they get an extra week of vacation.

I feel like I don’t have anything more to say, so I’m going to make a couple of lists.

Top things I love about Peru.
4. The People- everyone I've met has been really nice and accepting of my pidgin Spanish
3. Things are so cheap here- especially food.
2. My host family. They're awesome.
1. Just being here.

Top things I miss about the U.S.
4. Knowing where I am. I have no sense of direction in Lima.
3. Driving. Even being driven around is terrifying in this city.
2. Being able to say exactly what I mean and being clearly understood.
1. All my friends and family

I wish I had some pictures to share, but the only ones I’ve taken so far were at the National Museum of some cool pottery and I haven’t put them on my computer yet.

Spanish Word of the Day:
Monton: Tons of...
- Hay un monton de discotecs en Lima.

Lots of Love,


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